Photo by Shelby Miller

Risen Savior Church exists to love and follow Jesus Christ and make disciples among all peoples for the glory of God.

Zeal for God’s House – John 2:13-22

¹⁶ And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” ¹⁷ His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:16-17 ESV) The Apostle John moves his narrative from Jesus’ first miracle in Cana to a short stint in Capernaum and then a trek to Jerusalem for the Passover. Like all faithful Jews, Jesus held the Jerusalem temple in high regard as he celebrated this ancient holiday. Many of us know what happens next: Jesus, angered by the money-changers and sellers in the Temple courts, overthrows the tables and drives out the money-changers with a cord of whips.  This story is told in the synoptic gospels as well, but toward the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry en route to the cross. Here, John places this story in the beginning. Theories as to why John’s telling seems out of sync abound. However, it seems reasonable to conclude that Jesus did this act

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